Rick Bowness gives update on his future with the Jets

Marvin Azrak
May 3, 2024  (11:30)

Winnipeg Jets head coach Rick Bowness
Photo credit: The Global News

Winnipeg Jets head coach Rick Bowness talked about his future with the team. Two years ago, he stepped into a bit of a mess, but despite that, he's been steering the ship. Now, after another intense season, which ended in five games in the first round, he's contemplating his next move.

He's planning to chat with his family first, then sit down with higher ups , Mark Chipman and Kevin Cheveldayoff, to hash things out. Yet his love for the game hasn't waned one bit. Despite facing personal challenges, like his wife's illness and his own health scares, he's still got that fire burning bright.
I know what I'm going to do. I know what I want to do. That will come out. We will let you know.

Cheveldayoff's playing it close to the chest, not ready to say anything. But he's giving credit where it's due, acknowledging the team's stellar regular season performance, even if things went sideways in the playoffs.
Sure, they were crushed by the Colorado Avalanche. Their strengths seemed to disappear, and their special teams were a disaster. But Bowness isn't one to dwell on the negatives.
Love of the game, man...Never, ever, take a day for granted in this league. And I never have and I never will. I just love this game. It's been my life.

The relationship with his players has been an emotional roller coaster too but they have each other's backs.
They're very honest and up-front with me, which I love. I have a great rapport with them, and that's very important in today's hockey is to have that one-on-one, ability to speak freely. That's huge.

Coach Bowness is a fighter, through and through. He's faced tough times before, and he's not backing down now. Whatever comes next, which he will reveal when ready, he'll face it head-on, with that same passion and love for the game that's been driving him all along.
3 MAI   |   351 ANSWERS
Rick Bowness gives update on his future with the Jets

What do you think Coach Bowness should do next season?

Stay with the Jets15644.4 %
Take some time to deal with personal stuff12435.3 %
It's time for a change; Fire him.7120.2 %
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