Winnipeg Jets Looking To Make Big Culture Changes In 2023-24

Tyler Ball
October 6, 2023  (6:25 PM)

The Winnipeg Jets have been in the news a lot this summer. Many media members and fans have wondered if they are going to look to head into a rebuild. Today many of the players and staff commented on the mentality and plan for the upcoming season.

Jets Looking To Improve Upon Last Season

Each time a new season starts teams have to find their identity and style of play. This is especially true for a team with a new head coach. While Rick Bowness is in his second season he is still laying the groundwork for the expectations of the new Winnipeg Jets.
Bowness and Kyle Connor commented on how things are progressing in the lead-up to the NHL season.
«It always takes a little bit,» winger Kyle Connor was saying the other day. «Each year it's different pieces. Hopefully that's sooner than later.»

«We made huge strides last year on the defensive side of the puck,» Bowness said this week. «And that's what got us into the playoffs, the improvements we made without the puck.»

«I'm excited to see what this team's going to have and what type of character it shapes,» Connor said. «Training camp's a big part of that. But you never know until the puck hits the ice in the real time.»

The Jets are looking to get back to playoff success. Last season they got back into the playoffs but struggled in the first round. With their new focus on their pillars of success, they are hoping to take another step or two this season.

Jets Focusing On Pillars Of Their Game

During their media availability, many players talked about the pillars or keys to being successful this season. First up was defenseman Josh Morrissey who had a career year last season.
«From Day 1 of camp you're trying to put things in that are pillars for your identity, things you want to be known for,» Morrissey said. «You're down to your full group after (the final) pre-season game, and you can start to tune into some of the things our pillars, our strengths. And then you try to build it throughout the year.»

Morrissey went more in-depth later on about what their pillars are specifically.
«We're trying to be a team that, without the puck, we all look the same, in terms of our compete level, our defensive awareness, our willingness to do the unheralded things.»

The Jets sound as though they are looking to be more of a defensive and tough team to play against. A team that wins battles and then uses the space they create to open up the offensive side of the game. This was another pillar that Morrissey spoke about.
«Be a tight-knit family that plays together, and looks like we did a lot of times last season,» Morrissey said. «Make that our staple. We want to be a tough team to play against every night.»

The Jets will be a fascinating team to watch this offseason. They are on their last opportunity or close to it to win with the group they currently have. If things start off bad they could go from hopeful contenders with their new culture to sellers really quick.
As Read On - National Post - FRIESEN: Changing Jets' culture
Winnipeg Jets Looking To Make Big Culture Changes In 2023-24

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