NHL Insider Reveals Major Development in the Oilers' Goaltending Search

Dawson McKenzie
November 19, 2023  (8:49 PM)

This NHL insider just dropped some massive news about the Oilers' goaltending search, and that they are looking at this team for a potential trade.

Oilers Need to Make A Trade For a Goaltender To Salvage the Season

Its clear that the Edmonton Oilers are still not clicking on all cylinders, despite the massive changes to the team since the beginning of the year. With the head coach fired, and Jack Campbell sent to the minors, all eyes are on how GM Ken Holland will solve the Oilers goaltending issue.
Their loss on Saturday night, a loss that saw 6 goals against, highlighted just how important it will be to figure out the goaltending problem.
Must read on Hockey OTB
The Oilers are -6.4 goals against between 32nd and 31st. We're the worst by a mile.

I don't know how it's humanly possible for there to still be fans and pundits who don't believe it's the goaltending.

While the pressure is on, it appears the Oilers are staying patient in their goaltending search. Now, reports have surfaced that they have found a potential match.

Oilers Staying Patient In Goaltending Search But Have Interest in Making Deal With Canadiens

According to Elliotte Friedman, the Oilers are taking a serious look at the Montreal Canadiens for a potential goaltender to help them turn things around this season. The Canadiens are one of few teams in the NHL to have three NHL-calibre goaltenders on their roster. However, everyone knows that the Oilers are in desperation mode, and Friedman notes that they don't want to make a desperation trade just yet.
"The Oilers do continue to look at the goaltender market. A number of teams were in Montreal, so was Edmonton there looking at all three of Montreal's goaltenders," said Friedman. "I don't believe there's anything imminent there, I just think it's the Oilers continuing to do their due diligence.

"They're determined not to make a panic trade that they'll regret, but there's no question with every loss, like the one they had (Saturday) afternoon, the focus continues more on them."

The Oilers are in a tough spot when it comes to trying to make a trade right now. Any GM knows that they are willing to pay a high price to get a goaltender if they want to win now. Hopefully, though, a potential future trade doesn't bankrupt the Oilers' future for some short-term relief.
As seen on Oilers Daily - "Elliotte Friedman drops a bomb regarding the Oilers' goalie search"
NHL Insider Reveals Major Development in the Oilers' Goaltending Search

Do you think the Oilers will make a trade for one of the Canadiens goaltenders?

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