Pierre-Luc Dubois Avoids a Confrontation But Ends Up Getting Smashed Regardless

Marvin Azrak
March 21, 2024  (2:19 PM)

Pierre Luc-Dubois skates during a Los Angeles Kings game.
Photo credit: Los Angeles Times

Let's dive deeper into the drama that unfolded during last night's showdown between the LA Kings and the Minnesota Wild on March 20th, 2024. It was a game that kept fans on the edge of their seats, but not because of the lopsided score.

The tension between these two teams has been simmering beneath the surface for some time now, despite not being the first names that come to mind when you think of NHL rivalries. With both the Kings and the Wild vying for coveted playoff spots, every game becomes a crucial battle, and the possibility of facing off against each other in the postseason only adds fuel to the fire.
The Kings came out swinging, delivering a commanding performance that left the Wild reeling. With a resounding 6-0 victory, the Kings left no doubt about their dominance and presence in the playoff race. The victory extend LA's was to four points over the reigning Stanley Cup champion Vegas Golden Knights for third in the Pacific division. A big part of their success is Goaltender David Rittich, who stood tall between the pipes to secure a shutout and frustrate the Wild's offensive efforts.
Yet it wasn't just the scoreboard that saw action; tensions were running high throughout the game.

Pierre-Luc Dubois: Avoids Confrontation, Gets Smashed Anyway

When the Kings surged to a 5-0 lead, things took a heated turn. Ryan Hartman, a veteran presence for the Wild, found himself in a heated exchange with Pierre-Luc Dubois of the Kings. Dubois' aggressive play led to a scuffle, with Hartman refusing to back down.
Both players received 10-minute misconducts and were ejected from the game, igniting sparks that would soon explode into a full-blown line brawl.
Just when it seemed like things couldn't get any more intense, chaos erupted on the ice. Fists flew, helmets tumbled, and bodies collided as players from both teams engaged in a heated melee. The referees struggled to regain control as the situation spiraled out of hand, eventually leading to 10 more players, including Kings captain Anze Kopitar, being sent to the locker room early.
Now, as the dust settles and the league reviews the fallout from the game, one question remains: will this incident impact Kopitar's bid for the Lady Byng Trophy? Known for his exemplary sportsmanship and clean play, Kopitar's reputation hangs in the balance.
Let's hope that amidst the chaos of last night's game, his sterling character remains untarnished.
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Pierre-Luc Dubois Avoids a Confrontation But Ends Up Getting Smashed Regardless

What do you think about accidental collisions like Pierre-Luc Dubois'?

They should be penalized5342.4 %
It's part of the game7257.6 %
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