Ryan Hartman Hits Back at Perfetti and the Jets After Major Accusations

Dawson McKenzie
January 5, 2024  (11:38)

Ryan Hartman lining up for a draw against the Jets.
Photo credit: TSN

Ryan Hartman recently did an interview discussing his issues with how the Perfetti incident went down, and how he feels about the high-stick.

Hartman Doesn't Like How Perfetti Took The Incident to the Media

Ryan Hartman is enemy number one for Jets fans right now, as he was caught on a hot mic saying that he intentionally high-sticked Cole Perfetti in response to a previous play in the game prior between Dillon and Kaprizov. Perfetti, who was mic'd up, discussed what went down with the media after the game.
Must read on Hockey OTB
However, Hartman took to the media himself to share his side of the story. He denied ever saying he did it on purpose and claimed that Perfetti was trying to bait him into saying it all game.
"I'm not going to say it wasn't on purpose." - Hartman on the high stick

This is clearly just a roundabout way of saying maybe it was on purpose, maybe it wasn't. Hartman also noted that given the game, this was an opportunity to rile up the Jets, and he took that opportunity.
"And as far as what I said, that I'm not going to say it wasn't on purpose, if I can say something to get them fired up and get them to retaliate, I'm not going to apologize to the kid or say it was an accident. I'm going to try to fire them up"

Hartman Upset that Perfetti Would Share What is Said on the Ice to the Media

One of Hartman's main gripes with how this whole thing went down is that Perfetti shared everything that was said on the ice with the media after the game, even though the clips of what happened weren't shared. Hartman says that if everything that was said on the ice was released to the media, a lot of players would be in trouble.
«If everything that was said on the ice was released to the media, there'd be a lot of people in this league in trouble,» Hartman said. «I don't know, I guess we're in a different day and age where kids talk to people about what's said on the ice. You'd think things would stay on the ice.»

Clearly, there is some animosity between the two still, animosity that may have to be settled during the next game later in February between the two teams.
As seen on The Athletic - "Exclusive: Wild's Ryan Hartman responds to intentional high-stick claim, denies he admitted it was payback"
Ryan Hartman Hits Back at Perfetti and the Jets After Major Accusations

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